Ethical Deployment of AI for Early Detection and Management of Chronic Diseases in Underprivileged Populations

Ethical Deployment of AI for Early Detection and Management of Chronic Diseases in Underprivileged Populations


  • Kadek Ayu Susanti Department of Computer Science, Udayana University, Indonesia


The deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare has the potential to revolutionize the early detection and management of chronic diseases, particularly in underprivileged populations that traditionally suffer from limited access to healthcare services. However, this promising application of technology is not without its ethical challenges. This paper explores the ethical considerations involved in deploying AI for healthcare purposes among underprivileged populations, focusing on issues such as ensuring equitable access to AI-driven healthcare solutions, protecting patient privacy, avoiding bias in AI algorithms, and ensuring transparency and accountability in AI interventions. By proposing an ethical framework for the deployment of AI in this context, the paper aims to guide healthcare providers, policymakers, and AI developers in realizing the benefits of AI for chronic disease management in a manner that is ethical, equitable, and respects the rights and dignity of all individuals.




How to Cite

Susanti , K. A. (2023). Ethical Deployment of AI for Early Detection and Management of Chronic Diseases in Underprivileged Populations. Journal of Human Behavior and Social Science, 7(7), 39–48. Retrieved from