AI-Driven Social Determinants of Health: Creating Ethical, Sustainable Solutions for Community Health Improvement

AI-Driven Social Determinants of Health: Creating Ethical, Sustainable Solutions for Community Health Improvement


  • Arif Rahman


The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. AI-driven approaches offer unprecedented opportunities to address SDOH by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify at-risk populations, tailor interventions, and monitor outcomes. However, leveraging AI to improve community health through SDOH requires navigating complex ethical landscapes to ensure that solutions are equitable, sustainable, and respectful of community needs and values. This paper explores the potential of AI in addressing SDOH while emphasizing the importance of ethical frameworks that prioritize transparency, equity, and participatory development. We propose guidelines for the ethical deployment of AI in SDOH initiatives, focusing on data governance, bias mitigation, and the promotion of community engagement in AI solution development. Through a commitment to these ethical principles, AI can be harnessed to create sustainable solutions that significantly improve community health outcomes.




How to Cite

Rahman, A. (2023). AI-Driven Social Determinants of Health: Creating Ethical, Sustainable Solutions for Community Health Improvement. Journal of Human Behavior and Social Science, 7(7), 49–57. Retrieved from